IE 211 : Money and banking


Department of Islamic Economics

Academic Program

Bachelor in Islamic economics







The course (Money and Banking) and its code: IE211 is taught to students in the second semester of the Department of Islamic Economics, at a rate of three hours per week. In this course, the student studies important topics in money and banks in the economy, commercial banks, the creation and destruction of money, commercial banks in Libya, the Central Bank, Resources and uses of the Central Bank, the Central Bank of Libya, the monetary system, money, economic activity, monetary policy, and monetary policy in Libya.The course aims to:• Introducing the student to how the money supply is determined in the economy in general, and then the role of each of the commercial banks, the Central Bank, and the public to determine the final size of the money supply.• How the money supply affects economic activity, and the means and tools used by the Central Bank in controlling the money supply.The value that accrues to the student from studying the course is due to:• The student should know the issue of money supply in the national economy in general.• That the student knows the role of commercial and central banks to control the money supply.• The student understands how the money supply affects economic activity.

Intended learning outcomes

First: Mental Skills:• That the student links between study and application.• The student analyzes economic phenomena and proposes solutions.• The student should use the knowledge he has acquired to solve the problem of the increase in the money supply.Second: Scientific and Professional Skills:• Enhancing the student's ability to use what he studied in professional applications.• The ability to understand and search money and banking books and extract useful information from them.• The ability to understand the work of banks and the movement of money

Teaching and learning methods

The course is offered to the student through:• Lectures.• Panel discussions.

Methods of assessments

Evaluation method:• Written midterm exam 30%.• Activity 10%.• Final written exam 60%